Online Service QuoteFire extinguishers in a commercial business are required to be inspected annually by a fire extinguisher company. If you need to buy fire extinguishers we have a link on our website for the type of extinguishers you will need for your business location. Either 5 lb. ABC fire extinguishers or 10 lb. ABC fire extinguishers with free shipping. Emergency PlanBefore a disaster strikes, it is important to have an emergency plan in place for your place of business or for you and your family. Each family member should carry a small contact card with information about how to reach other family members. List one or more In Case of Emergency contacts in your cell phone. Emergency personnel will often look for a contact saved. Develop and know your home or place of business escape plan. Each employee or family member, especially children should understand the escape routes to follow in case of an emergency. Have a set location to meet. Also, make sure to have a fire extinguisher on each level of your home and teach each family member how to use it. Instructions with a video on how to use a fire extinguisher can be found on our website.